System Units (Vol. 1 of 2)
System Control Unit
User’s Manual
V2.0, 2007-07
SCU, V2.0
becomes active (high) when the selected input channel interrupt flags are at active (high)
level. The state of flag PDRR.PDRy indicates the actual state of the PDOUTy signal.
GOUTy Output Signal
The gating output GOUTy represents the programmable level of PDOUTy. This output
signal is not connected/used in TC1796 but referred in the register descriptions.
TOUTy Output Signal
The trigger output TOUTy combines all related event trigger sources. This output can be
used to request ADC conversions or to start other peripheral actions. TOUTy outputs
The incoming high-level active interrupt request pulses INT0y to INT3y from the event
trigger logic are combined to one common interrupt request for the corresponding output
channel. The incoming signals remain inactive when an event has been detected but
another output channel has been selected by INPx in the channel event trigger logic. As
a result, only those interrupt requests are taken into account, that are targeting this
output channel (y).
IOUT Output Signal
The interrupt output IOUTy can be connected to an interrupt node, and combines the
gating functionality GOUTy (programmed level of PDOUTy) and the trigger functionality
of TOUTy. It can also be used to trigger module actions, such as DMA requests or GPTA
actions. IOUTy outputs pulses.
Output Channel Control Logic
A very useful additional feature is the possibility to gate the incoming interrupt requests
with the indication flags INTFx (x = 0-3) coming from the Event Trigger Logic of the Input
Channel x. This allows more gating capability for the interrupt generation. The output
channel can be activated when a trigger event occurs while a certain pattern is detected
(IGP = 10
), or while this pattern is not detected (IGP = 11
). If an indication flag should
not be taken into account for the gating of the interrupt requests, the related IPENyx bit
has to be 0.
Bit GEENy = 1enables the generation of a trigger event for output channel y when the
result of the pattern detection changes. When using this feature, a trigger (e.g. for an
interrupt) is generated during the first clock cycle when a pattern is detected or when it
is no longer detected.
The output of the gating AND of all interrupts request are also delayed by one clock cycle
to detect a change of the gating status (XOR), corresponding to the pattern detection.
The bit GEENy (gating edge enable) makes it possible to generate a pulse whenever the
gating status changes. Combined with the bit field IGPy, an event can be generated