Peripheral Units (Vol. 2 of 2)
General Purpose Timer Array (GPTA)
User’s Manual
V2.0, 2007-07
GPTA, V2.0
Clock Bus Setup
Selection and Configuration of 8 Clock
Sources for GT, GTC and LTC Cells
Selection of Timer Clock Source
Selection of Operating Mode (Capture or
Compare) and Time Base (GT0 or GT1)
Configuration of Timer Width (Reload
Value, TGE Flag)
Configuration of Trigger Events for
Capture Mode or Selection of a Relational
Operator for Compare Mode
Interrupt Request Enable on Timer
Interrupt Request Enable on Capture or
Compare Event
Start Global Timer(s)
Configuration of Data Output triggered by
a GTC Event
Selection of Operating Mode (Timer,
Capture or Compare)
Configuration of the Multiplexer Array to
link GTC and LTC data outputs/inputs to
external Port Pins or other cells by writing
the Multiplexer Register Array FIFO
Selection of Trigger Source for Timer,
Capture or Compare Mode
Configuration of Port Output Source
Configuration of Trigger Event for Timer,
Capture or Compare Mode
Interrupt Request Enable on Timer,
Capture or Compare Event
Configuration of Data Output triggered by
an LTC Event
Port Initialization
Definition of Electrical Port Characteristic
Configuration of Port Pin Direction (Input or Output)
Table 24-15 Software Tasks Controlling a GPTA Unit