LSM 510
Macro Menu
Carl Zeiss
B 45-0021 e
Windows Action Blocks
This block has to be used if the actually scanned image(s) should be displayed.
For each Image Display block a new image window is opened. If not saved, the
image will be overwritten when the program flow is passing by again.
Save / Load Action Blocks
The image(s) are stored to a image database. The database taken is either the
last one, that was open or the current open one. Clicking Read back updates
the database to be used for storing the image(s). In addition some other
parameters can be set according to the list of properties displayed.
Within the program flow already existing images can be loaded.
The database taken is either the last one, that was open or the current open
one. Clicking Read back updates the database to be used to load the image(s)
from. The images can be loaded by Index or by the name of the image.
It is possible to export images choosing a certain file format from the pull down
list that appears when highlighting the line
File Format
in the properties list.
Specific parameters are assigned to each file format which can be set for the
image export.
Images can be imported within the program flow. The image to be loaded can
be selected by typing in the file path. The import of single images or a image
series is possible. The images to be imported as series must have the same
name and must be numbered in ascending order.
Program Flow Action Blocks
If any action(s) should be repeated a defined number of times, the Repeat block
should be set into the loop of the program flow. The number of repeats is set in
the properties list. The repeat is only performed using the connection of the
right arrow. After finishing the repeats, the program flow connected to the
arrow pointing down is performed.
Using this block in the program flow allows to assign new values to a variable
using mathematical calculations. By passing this block the variable will be
transiently changed and the new value can for example be used to assign
different numbers to the image name or to increase the time delay during a
time series acquisition.
The two blocks are used as decision makers. Depending on the value of a
predefined variable, the program flow can be directed to one of the two
possible directions. The expression of the variable’s value which should be used
to decide on the program flow is set for each block in the properties list. It
takes the actual transient value of the variable into account.