Related Information
on page 7-7
on page 7-7
Cross Trigger Interface (CTI)
CTIs allow trigger sources and sinks to interface with the ECT. Each CTI supports up to eight trigger inputs
and eight trigger outputs, and is connected to a CTM.
shows the relationship of trigger inputs,
trigger outputs, and CTM channels of a CTI.
Figure 7-3: CTI Connections
The following figure shows trigger input and trigger output connections in detail.
Trigger Inputs
Trigger Outputs
The HPS debug system contains the following four CTIs:
• csCTI—performs cross triggering between the STM, ETF, ETR, and TPIU.
• FPGA-CTI—exposes the cross-triggering system to the FPGA fabric.
• CTI-0 and CTI-1—reside in the MPU debug subsystem. Each CTI is associated with a processor and the
processor’s associated PTM.
Cross Trigger Matrix (CTM)
A CTM is a transport mechanism for triggers traveling from one CTI to one or more CTIs or CTMs. The
HPS contains two CTMs. One CTM connects csCTI and FPGA-CTI; the other connects CTI-0 and CTI-1.
The two CTMs are connected together, allowing triggers to be transmitted between the MPU debug subsystem,
the debug system, and the FPGA fabric.
Each CTM has four ports and each port has four channels. Each CTM port can be connected to a CTI or
another CTM.
Altera Corporation
CoreSight Debug and Trace
Cross Trigger Interface (CTI)