The preloader typically performs the following actions:
• Initialize the SDRAM interface.
• Configure the
register to map the on-chip RAM to address 0x0 so that exceptions are handled
by the preloader.
• The on-chip RAM is also accessible with the alias 0x0.
• Configure the HPS I/O through the scan manager.
• Configure pin multiplexing through the system manager.
• Configure HPS clocks through the clock manager.
• Initialize the flash controller (NAND, SD/MMC, or quad SPI) that contains the next stage boot software.
• Load the next stage boot software into the SDRAM and pass control to it.
Typical Preloader Boot Flow
This section describes a typical software flow from the preloader entry point until the software passes control
to the next stage boot software.
Booting and Configuration Introduction
Altera Corporation