SPRUH82C – April 2013 – Revised September 2016
Copyright © 2013–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated
List of Figures
HPI Strobe and Select Logic
Multiplexed-Mode Host Read Cycle
Multiplexed-Mode Host Write Cycle
Multiplexed-Mode Single-Halfword HPIC Cycle (Read or Write)
UHPI_HRDY Behavior During an HPIC or HPIA Read Cycle in the Multiplexed Mode
UHPI_HRDY Behavior During a Data Read Operation in the Multiplexed Mode (Case 1: HPIA Write
Cycle Followed by Nonautoincrement HPID Read Cycle)
UHPI_HRDY Behavior During a Data Read Operation in the Multiplexed Mode (Case 2: HPIA Write
Cycle Followed by Autoincrement HPID Read Cycles)
21-10. UHPI_HRDY Behavior During an HPIC Write Cycle in the Multiplexed Mode
21-11. UHPI_HRDY Behavior During a Data Write Operation in the Multiplexed Mode (Case 1:
No Autoincrementing)
21-12. UHPI_HRDY Behavior During a Data Write Operation in the Multiplexed Mode (Case 2:
Autoincrementing Selected, FIFO Empty Before Write)
21-13. UHPI_HRDY Behavior During a Data Write Operation in the Multiplexed Mode (Case 3:
Autoincrementing Selected, FIFO Not Empty Before Write)
21-14. FIFOs in the HPI
21-15. Host-to-CPU Interrupt State Diagram
21-16. CPU-to-Host Interrupt State Diagram
21-17. Revision Identification Register (REVID)
21-18. Power and Emulation Management Register (PWREMU_MGMT)
21-19. GPIO Enable Register (GPIO_EN)
21-20. GPIO Direction 1 Register (GPIO_DIR1)
21-21. GPIO Data 1 Register (GPIO_DAT1)
21-22. GPIO Direction 2 Register (GPIO_DIR2)
21-23. GPIO Data 2 Register (GPIO_DAT2)
21-24. Host Port Interface Control Register (HPIC)–Host Access Permissions
21-25. Host Port Interface Control Register (HPIC)–CPU Access Permissions
21-26. Host Port Interface Write Address Register (HPIAW)
21-27. Host Port Interface Read Address Register (HPIAR)
I2C Peripheral Block Diagram
Multiple I2C Modules Connected
Clocking Diagram for the I2C Peripheral
Synchronization of Two I2C Clock Generators During Arbitration
Bit Transfer on the I2C-Bus
I2C Peripheral START and STOP Conditions
I2C Peripheral Data Transfer
I2C Peripheral 7-Bit Addressing Format (FDF = 0, XA = 0 in ICMDR)
I2C Peripheral 10-Bit Addressing Format With Master-Transmitter Writing to Slave-Receiver (FDF = 0,
XA = 1 in ICMDR)
22-10. I2C Peripheral Free Data Format (FDF = 1 in ICMDR)
22-11. I2C Peripheral 7-Bit Addressing Format With Repeated START Condition (FDF = 0, XA = 0 in ICMDR)
22-12. Arbitration Procedure Between Two Master-Transmitters
22-13. I2C Own Address Register (ICOAR)
22-14. I2C Interrupt Mask Register (ICIMR)
22-15. I2C Interrupt Status Register (ICSTR)
22-16. I2C Clock Low-Time Divider Register (ICCLKL)
22-17. I2C Clock High-Time Divider Register (ICCLKH)
22-18. I2C Data Count Register (ICCNT)
22-19. I2C Data Receive Register (ICDRR)