SPRUH82C – April 2013 – Revised September 2016
Copyright © 2013–2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated
Multichannel Audio Serial Port (McASP)
Transmit DMA Event Pacer
The AFIFO may be configured to delay making a transmit DMA request to the host until the Write FIFO
has enough space for a specified number of words. In this situation, the number of transmit DMA requests
to the host or DMA controller is reduced.
If the Write FIFO has space to accept
32-bit words, it generates a transmit DMA request to
the host and then waits for a response. Once
words have been written to the FIFO, it checks
again to see if there is space for
32-bit words. If there is space, it generates another transmit
DMA request to the host, and so on. In this fashion, the Write FIFO will attempt to stay filled.
Note that if transmit DMA event pacing is desired, WFIFOCTL.WNUMEVT should be set to a non-zero
integer multiple of the value in WFIFOCTL.WNUMDMA. If transmit DMA event pacing is not desired, then
the value in WFIFOCTL.WNUMEVT should be set equal to the value in WFIFOCTL.WNUMDMA.
AFIFO Data Reception
When the Read FIFO is disabled, receive DMA requests pass through directly from McASP to the
host/DMA controller. Whether the RFIFO is enabled or disabled, the McASP generates receive DMA
requests as needed; the AFIFO is “invisible” to the McASP.
When the Read FIFO is enabled, receive DMA requests from the McASP are sent to the AFIFO, which in
turn generates receive DMA requests to the host/DMA controller.
If the Read FIFO is enabled and the McASP makes a receive DMA request, the RFIFO reads
32-bit words from the McASP, if and when the RFIFO has space for
words. If it does not, the
RFIFO waits until this condition has been satisfied; at that point, it reads
words from the
McASP. (See description for RFIFOCTL.RNUMDMA in
If the host CPU reads the Read FIFO, independent of a receive DMA request, and the RFIFO at that time
contains less than
words, those words will be read correctly, emptying the FIFO.
Receive DMA Event Pacer
The AFIFO may be configured to delay making a receive DMA request to the host until the Read FIFO
contains a specified number of words. In this situation, the number of receive DMA requests to the host or
DMA controller is reduced.
If the Read FIFO contains at least
32-bit words, it generates a receive DMA request to the
host and then waits for a response. Once
32-bit words have been read from the RFIFO, the
RFIFO checks again to see if it contains at least another
words. If it does, it generates another
receive DMA request to the host, and so on. In this fashion, the Read FIFO will attempt to stay empty.
Note that if receive DMA event pacing is desired, RFIFOCTL.RNUMEVT should be set to a non-zero
integer multiple of the value in RFIFOCTL.RNUMDMA. If receive DMA event pacing is not desired, then
the value in RFIFOCTL.RNUMEVT should be set equal to the value in RFIFOCTL.RNUMDMA.
Arbitration Between Transmit and Receive DMA Requests
If both the WFIFO and the RFIFO are enabled and a transmit DMA request and receive DMA request
occur simultaneously, priority is given to the transmit DMA request. Once a transfer is in progress, it is
allowed to complete.
If only the WFIFO is enabled and a transmit DMA request and receive DMA request occur simultaneously,
priority is given to the transmit DMA request. Once a transfer is in progress, it is allowed to complete.
If only the RFIFO is enabled and a transmit DMA request and receive DMA request occur simultaneously,
priority is given to the receive DMA request. Once a transfer is in progress, it is allowed to complete.