Analog-to-digital converter (ADC)
DocID018909 Rev 11
Bit 11
Discontinuous mode on regular channels
This bit is set and cleared by software to enable/disable Discontinuous mode on regular
0: Discontinuous mode on regular channels disabled
1: Discontinuous mode on regular channels enabled
Bit 10
Automatic injected group conversion
This bit is set and cleared by software to enable/disable automatic injected group conversion
after regular group conversion.
0: Automatic injected group conversion disabled
1: Automatic injected group conversion enabled
Bit 9
Enable the watchdog on a single channel in scan mode
This bit is set and cleared by software to enable/disable the analog watchdog on the channel
identified by the AWDCH[4:0] bits.
0: Analog watchdog enabled on all channels
1: Analog watchdog enabled on a single channel
Bit 8
Scan mode
This bit is set and cleared by software to enable/disable the Scan mode. In Scan mode, the
inputs selected through the ADC_SQRx or ADC_JSQRx registers are converted.
0: Scan mode disabled
1: Scan mode enabled
Note: An EOC interrupt is generated if the EOCIE bit is set:
At the end of each regular group sequence if the EOCS bit is cleared to 0
At the end of each regular channel conversion if the EOCS bit is set to 1
Note: A JEOC interrupt is generated only on the end of conversion of the last channel if the
JEOCIE bit is set.
Bit 7
Interrupt enable for injected channels
This bit is set and cleared by software to enable/disable the end of conversion interrupt for
injected channels.
0: JEOC interrupt disabled
1: JEOC interrupt enabled. An interrupt is generated when the JEOC bit is set.
Bit 6
Analog watchdog interrupt enable
This bit is set and cleared by software to enable/disable the analog watchdog interrupt.
0: Analog watchdog interrupt disabled
1: Analog watchdog interrupt enabled
Bit 5
Interrupt enable for EOC
This bit is set and cleared by software to enable/disable the end of conversion interrupt.
0: EOC interrupt disabled
1: EOC interrupt enabled. An interrupt is generated when the EOC bit is set.
Bits 4:0
Analog watchdog channel select bits
These bits are set and cleared by software. They select the input channel to be guarded by
the analog watchdog.
Note: 00000: ADC analog input Channel0
00001: ADC analog input Channel1
01111: ADC analog input Channel15
10000: ADC analog input Channel16
10001: ADC analog input Channel17
10010: ADC analog input Channel18
Other values reserved