DocID018909 Rev 11
Reset and clock control for STM32F42xxx and STM32F43xxx (RCC)
Bits 23:15 Reserved, must be kept at reset value.
Bits 14:6
PLLI2S multiplication factor for VCO
These bits are set and cleared by software to control the multiplication factor of the VCO.
These bits can be written only when PLLI2S is disabled. Only half-word and word accesses
are allowed to write these bits.
The software has to set these bits correctly to ensure that the VCO output
frequency is between 100 and 432 MHz.
VCO output frequency = VCO input frequency × PLLI2SN with 50
000000000: PLLI2SN = 0, wrong configuration
000000001: PLLI2SN = 1, wrong configuration
000110010: PLLI2SN = 50
001100011: PLLI2SN = 99
001100100: PLLI2SN = 100
001100101: PLLI2SN = 101
001100110: PLLI2SN = 102
110110000: PLLI2SN = 432
110110001: PLLI2SN = 433, wrong configuration
111111111: PLLI2SN = 511, wrong configuration
Note: Multiplication factors ranging from 50 and 99 are possible for VCO input frequency
higher than 1 MHz. However care must be taken that the minimum VCO output
frequency respects the value specified above.
Bits 5:0 Reserved, must be kept at reset value.