DocID018909 Rev 11
Real-time clock (RTC)
Each calendar field can be independently selected through the MSKx bits of the
RTC_ALRMAR and RTC_ALRMBR registers, and through the MASKSSx bits of the
RTC_ALRMASSR and RTC_ALRMBSSR registers. The alarm interrupts are enabled
through the ALRAIE and ALRBIE bits in the RTC_CR register.
Alarm A and Alarm B (if enabled by bits OSEL[1:0] in RTC_CR register) can be routed to the
RTC_ALARM output. RTC_ALARM polarity can be configured through bit POL in the
RTC_CR register.
If the seconds field is selected (MSK0 bit reset in RTC_ALRMAR or RTC_ALRMBR), the
synchronous prescaler division factor set in the RTC_PRER register must be at least 3 to
ensure correct behavior.
26.3.4 Periodic
The periodic wakeup flag is generated by a 16-bit programmable auto-reload down-counter.
The wakeup timer range can be extended to 17 bits.
The wakeup function is enabled through the WUTE bit in the RTC_CR register.
The wakeup timer clock input can be:
RTC clock (RTCCLK) divided by 2, 4, 8, or 16.
When RTCCLK is LSE(32.768kHz), this allows to configure the wakeup interrupt period
from 122 µs to 32 s, with a resolution down to 61µs.
ck_spre (usually 1 Hz internal clock)
When ck_spre frequency is 1Hz, this allows to achieve a wakeup time from 1 s to
around 36 hours with one-second resolution. This large programmable time range is
divided in 2 parts:
from 1s to 18 hours when WUCKSEL [2:1] = 10
and from around 18h to 36h when WUCKSEL[2:1] = 11. In this last case 2
added to the 16-bit counter current value.When the initialization sequence is
complete (see
Programming the wakeup timer on page 795
), the timer starts
counting down.When the wakeup function is enabled, the down-counting remains
active in low-power modes. In addition, when it reaches 0, the WUTF flag is set in
the RTC_ISR register, and the wakeup counter is automatically reloaded with its
reload value (RTC_WUTR register value).
The WUTF flag must then be cleared by software.
When the periodic wakeup interrupt is enabled by setting the WUTIE bit in the RTC_CR2
register, it can exit the device from low-power modes.
The periodic wakeup flag can be routed to the RTC_ALARM output provided it has been
enabled through bits OSEL[1:0] of RTC_CR register. RTC_ALARM polarity can be
configured through the POL bit in the RTC_CR register.
System reset, as well as low-power modes (Sleep, Stop and Standby) have no influence on
the wakeup timer.