Reset and clock control for STM32F42xxx and STM32F43xxx (RCC)
DocID018909 Rev 11
Bits 22:21
Microcontroller clock output 1
Set and cleared by software. Clock source selection may generate glitches on MCO1. It is
highly recommended to configure these bits only after reset before enabling the external
oscillators and PLL.
00: HSI clock selected
01: LSE oscillator selected
10: HSE oscillator clock selected
11: PLL clock selected
Bits 20:16
HSE division factor for RTC clock
Set and cleared by software to divide the HSE clock input clock to generate a 1 MHz clock
for RTC.
The software has to set these bits correctly to ensure that the clock supplied to the
RTC is 1 MHz. These bits must be configured if needed before selecting the RTC
clock source.
00000: no clock
00001: no clock
00010: HSE/2
00011: HSE/3
00100: HSE/4
11110: HSE/30
11111: HSE/31
Bits 15:13
APB high-speed prescaler (APB2)
Set and cleared by software to control APB high-speed clock division factor.
The software has to set these bits correctly not to exceed 90 MHz on this domain.
The clocks are divided with the new prescaler factor from 1 to 16 AHB cycles after
PPRE2 write.
0xx: AHB clock not divided
100: AHB clock divided by 2
101: AHB clock divided by 4
110: AHB clock divided by 8
111: AHB clock divided by 16
Bits 12:10
APB Low speed prescaler (APB1)
Set and cleared by software to control APB low-speed clock division factor.
The software has to set these bits correctly not to exceed 45 MHz on this domain.
The clocks are divided with the new prescaler factor from 1 to 16 AHB cycles after
PPRE1 write.
0xx: AHB clock not divided
100: AHB clock divided by 2
101: AHB clock divided by 4
110: AHB clock divided by 8
111: AHB clock divided by 16
Bits 9:8 Reserved, must be kept at reset value.