DocID018909 Rev 11
Digital camera interface (DCMI)
Bit 4
Embedded synchronization select
0: Hardware synchronization data capture (frame/line start/stop) is synchronized
with the HSYNC/VSYNC signals.
1: Embedded synchronization data capture is synchronized with synchronization
codes embedded in the data flow.
Note: Valid only for 8-bit parallel data. HSPOL/VSPOL are ignored when the ESS
bit is set.
This bit is disabled in JPEG mode.
Bit 3
JPEG format
0: Uncompressed video format
1: This bit is used for JPEG data transfers. The HSYNC signal is used as data
enable. The crop and embedded synchronization features (ESS bit) cannot be
used in this mode.
Bits 2
Crop feature
0: The full image is captured. In this case the total number of bytes in an image
frame should be a multiple of 4
1: Only the data inside the window specified by the crop register will be captured.
If the size of the crop window exceeds the picture size, then only the picture size
is captured.
Bit 1
Capture mode
0: Continuous grab mode - The received data are transferred into the destination
memory through the DMA. The buffer location and mode (linear or circular
buffer) is controlled through the system DMA.
1: Snapshot mode (single frame) - Once activated, the interface waits for the
start of frame and then transfers a single frame through the DMA. At the end of
the frame, the CAPTURE bit is automatically reset.
Bit 0
Capture enable
0: Capture disabled.
1: Capture enabled.
The camera interface waits for the first start of frame, then a DMA request is
generated to transfer the received data into the destination memory.
In snapshot mode, the CAPTURE bit is automatically cleared at the end of the
1st frame received.
In continuous grab mode, if the software clears this bit while a capture is
ongoing, the bit will be effectively cleared after the frame end.
Note: The DMA controller and all DCMI configuration registers should be
programmed correctly before enabling this bit.