DMA controller (DMA)
DocID018909 Rev 11
Bit 9
: Peripheral increment mode
This bit is set and cleared by software.
0: Peripheral address pointer is fixed
1: Peripheral address pointer is incremented after each data transfer (increment is done
according to PSIZE)
This bit is protected and can be written only if EN is ‘0’.
Bit 8
: Circular mode
This bit is set and cleared by software and can be cleared by hardware.
0: Circular mode disabled
1: Circular mode enabled
When the peripheral is the flow controller (bit PFCTRL=1) and the stream is enabled (bit
EN=1), then this bit is automatically forced by hardware to 0.
It is automatically forced by hardware to 1 if the DBM bit is set, as soon as the stream is
enabled (bit EN ='1').
Bits 7:6
: Data transfer direction
These bits are set and cleared by software.
00: Peripheral-to-memory
01: Memory-to-peripheral
10: Memory-to-memory
11: reserved
These bits are protected and can be written only if EN is ‘0’.
Bit 5
: Peripheral flow controller
This bit is set and cleared by software.
0: The DMA is the flow controller
1: The peripheral is the flow controller
This bit is protected and can be written only if EN is ‘0’.
When the memory-to-memory mode is selected (bits DIR[1:0]=10), then this bit is
automatically forced to 0 by hardware.
Bit 4
: Transfer complete interrupt enable
This bit is set and cleared by software.
0: TC interrupt disabled
1: TC interrupt enabled
Bit 3
: Half transfer interrupt enable
This bit is set and cleared by software.
0: HT interrupt disabled
1: HT interrupt enabled
Bit 2
: Transfer error interrupt enable
This bit is set and cleared by software.
0: TE interrupt disabled
1: TE interrupt enabled
Bit 1
: Direct mode error interrupt enable
This bit is set and cleared by software.
0: DME interrupt disabled
1: DME interrupt enabled