DocID018909 Rev 11
Ethernet (ETH): media access control (MAC) with DMA controller
Bit 21
Transmit end of ring
When set, this bit indicates that the descriptor list reached its final descriptor. The DMA
returns to the base address of the list, creating a descriptor ring.
Bit 20
Second address chained
When set, this bit indicates that the second address in the descriptor is the next descriptor
address rather than the second buffer address. When TDES0[20] is set, TBS2
(TDES1[28:16]) is a “don’t care” value. TDES0[21] takes precedence over TDES0[20].
Bits 19:18 Reserved, must be kept at reset value.
Bit 17
Transmit time stamp status
This field is used as a status bit to indicate that a time stamp was captured for the described
transmit frame. When this bit is set, TDES2 and TDES3 have a time stamp value captured for the
transmit frame. This field is only valid when the descriptor’s Last segment control bit (TDES0[29])
is set.
Note that when enhanced descriptors are enabled (EDFE=1 in ETH_DMABMR), TTSS=1
indicates that TDES6 and TDES7 have the time stamp value.
Bit 16
IP header error
When set, this bit indicates that the MAC transmitter detected an error in the IP datagram
header. The transmitter checks the header length in the IPv4 packet against the number of
header bytes received from the application and indicates an error status if there is a
mismatch. For IPv6 frames, a header error is reported if the main header length is not 40
bytes. Furthermore, the Ethernet length/type field value for an IPv4 or IPv6 frame must
match the IP header version received with the packet. For IPv4 frames, an error status is
also indicated if the Header Length field has a value less than 0x5.
Bit 15
Error summary
Indicates the logical OR of the following bits:
TDES0[14]: Jabber timeout
TDES0[13]: Frame flush
TDES0[11]: Loss of carrier
TDES0[10]: No carrier
TDES0[9]: Late collision
TDES0[8]: Excessive collision
TDES0[2]:Excessive deferral
TDES0[1]: Underflow error
TDES0[16]: IP header error
TDES0[12]: IP payload error
Bit 14
Jabber timeout
When set, this bit indicates the MAC transmitter has experienced a jabber timeout. This bit is
only set when the MAC configuration register’s JD bit is not set.
Bit 13
Frame flushed
When set, this bit indicates that the DMA/MTL flushed the frame due to a software Flush
command given by the CPU.
Bit 12
IP payload error
When set, this bit indicates that MAC transmitter detected an error in the TCP, UDP, or ICMP
IP datagram payload. The transmitter checks the payload length received in the IPv4 or IPv6
header against the actual number of TCP, UDP or ICMP packet bytes received from the
application and issues an error status in case of a mismatch.