DocID018909 Rev 11
Reset and clock control for STM32F42xxx and STM32F43xxx (RCC)
Bit 15 Reserved, must be kept at reset value.
Bit 14
System configuration controller reset
This bit is set and cleared by software.
0: does not reset the System configuration controller
1: resets the System configuration controller
Bit 13
: SPI4 reset
This bit is set and cleared by software.
0: does not reset SPI4
1: resets SPI4
Bit 12
SPI1 reset
This bit is set and cleared by software.
0: does not reset SPI1
1: resets SPI1
Bit 11
SDIO reset
This bit is set and cleared by software.
0: does not reset the SDIO module
1: resets the SDIO module
Bits 10:9 Reserved, must be kept at reset value.
Bit 8
ADC interface reset (common to all ADCs)
This bit is set and cleared by software.
0: does not reset the ADC interface
1: resets the ADC interface
Bits 7:6 Reserved, must be kept at reset value.
Bit 5
USART6 reset
This bit is set and cleared by software.
0: does not reset USART6
1: resets USART6
Bit 4
USART1 reset
This bit is set and cleared by software.
0: does not reset USART1
1: resets USART1
Bits 3:2 Reserved, must be kept at reset value.
Bit 1
TIM8 reset
This bit is set and cleared by software.
0: does not reset TIM8
1: resets TIM8
Bit 0
TIM1 reset
This bit is set and cleared by software.
0: does not reset TIM1
1: resets TIM1