DocID018909 Rev 11
Reset and clock control for STM32F405xx/07xx and STM32F415xx/17xx(RCC)
Bit 28
Software reset flag
Set by hardware when a software reset occurs.
Cleared by writing to the RMVF bit.
0: No software reset occurred
1: Software reset occurred
Bit 27
POR/PDR reset flag
Set by hardware when a POR/PDR reset occurs.
Cleared by writing to the RMVF bit.
0: No POR/PDR reset occurred
1: POR/PDR reset occurred
Bit 26
PIN reset flag
Set by hardware when a reset from the NRST pin occurs.
Cleared by writing to the RMVF bit.
0: No reset from NRST pin occurred
1: Reset from NRST pin occurred
Bit 25
BOR reset flag
Cleared by software by writing the RMVF bit.
Set by hardware when a POR/PDR or BOR reset occurs.
0: No POR/PDR or BOR reset occurred
1: POR/PDR or BOR reset occurred
Bit 24
Remove reset flag
Set by software to clear the reset flags.
0: No effect
1: Clear the reset flags
Bits 23:2 Reserved, must be kept at reset value.
Bit 1
Internal low-speed oscillator ready
Set and cleared by hardware to indicate when the internal RC 40 kHz oscillator is stable.
After the LSION bit is cleared, LSIRDY goes low after 3 LSI clock cycles.
0: LSI RC oscillator not ready
1: LSI RC oscillator ready
Bit 0
Internal low-speed oscillator enable
Set and cleared by software.
0: LSI RC oscillator OFF
1: LSI RC oscillator ON