Service Mode > COPIER > DISPLAY > DENS
Service Mode > COPIER > DISPLAY > DENS
Dis of ATR ctrl C-clr TD ratio history
Lv.2 Details
To display the latest 8 C-toner density log data (TD ratio) detected by
the ATR Sensor at ATR control.
Sharp change in values may indicate ATR Sensor disconnection/
failure, whereas gradual change in values may indicate failure in
toner supply system.
Use case
When checking toner density in the Developing Assembly at low
density or fogging deterioration
Display/adj/set range
0 to 255
Appropriate target value 20 to 230
Dis of Y-clr patch image density history
Lv.2 Details
To display the latest 8 Y-patch image density log data.
It is the reference for judging the cause at E020 occurrence, etc.
Sharp change in values may indicate the failure in Patch Sensor,
Shutter or laser, whereas gradual change may indicate failure in
toner supply system.
This is particularly caused by Patch Sensor.
Use case
When analyzing the cause of E020
Display/adj/set range
0 to 1023
Appropriate target value 200 to 900
Dis of M-clr patch image density history
Lv.2 Details
To display the latest 8 M-patch image density log data.
It is the reference for judging the cause at E020 occurrence, etc.
Sharp change in values may indicate the failure in Patch Sensor,
Shutter or laser, whereas gradual change may indicate failure in
toner supply system.
This is particularly caused by Patch Sensor.
Use case
When analyzing the cause of E020
Display/adj/set range
0 to 1023
Appropriate target value 200 to 900
Dis of C-clr patch image density history
Lv.2 Details
To display the latest 8 C-patch image density log data.
It is the reference for judging the cause at E020 occurrence, etc.
Sharp change in values may indicate the failure in Patch Sensor,
Shutter or laser, whereas gradual change may indicate failure in
toner supply system.
This is particularly caused by Patch Sensor.
Use case
When analyzing the cause of E020
Display/adj/set range
0 to 1023
Appropriate target value 200 to 900
Dis Bk-clr patch image density history
Lv.2 Details
To display the latest 8 Bk-patch image density log data.
It is the reference for judging the cause at E020 occurrence, etc.
Sharp change in values may indicate the failure in Patch Sensor,
Shutter or laser, whereas gradual change may indicate failure in
toner supply system.
This is particularly caused by Patch Sensor.
Use case
When analyzing the cause of E020
Display/adj/set range
0 to 1023
Appropriate target value 200 to 900
Dis of Patch Sensor LED light intensity
Lv.2 Details
To display the Patch Sensor LED light intensity.
The soiled Sensor window or soiled ITB (ITB cleaning failure) is
suspected if the background light intensity (P-wave) is too low even
with sufficient LED light intensity and PT-LPADJ execution will not
correct the problem.
Use case
When checking the Patch Sensor
Related service mode
Display of Y toner supply history
Lv.2 Details
To display the latest 8 Y-toner supply log data.
Each data represents the number of toner blocks supplied per paper.
Use case
When checking toner supply status at E020 occurrence, low density
or fogging deterioration
Display/adj/set range
0 to 4
Appropriate target value 0 to 4
Display of M toner supply history
Lv.2 Details
To display the latest 8 M-toner supply log data.
Each data represents the number of toner blocks supplied per paper.
Use case
When checking toner supply status at E020 occurrence, low density
or fogging deterioration
Display/adj/set range
0 to 4
Appropriate target value 0 to 4
Display of C toner supply history
Lv.2 Details
To display the latest 8 C-toner supply log data.
Each data represents the number of toner blocks supplied per paper.
Use case
When checking toner supply status at E020 occurrence, low density
or fogging deterioration
Display/adj/set range
0 to 4
Appropriate target value 0 to 4