Service Mode > COPIER > OPTION > IMG-DEV
Service Mode > COPIER > OPTION > IMG-DEV
Set toner ejctn ppr intvl threshold VL
Lv.1 Details
To set the threshold value of the interval, which is the condition to
perform the low duty toner ejection sequence.
As the value is smaller, coarseness is decreased, but productivity is
lowered and toner consumption is increased.
As the value is larger, productivity and toner consumption are
enhanced, but coarseness is worsened.
Use case
While printing low duty (low image ratio) images,
- When graininess (coarseness) occurs
- When low productivity or high toner consumption is pointed out by
the user
Adj/set/operate method 1) Enter the setting value, and then press OK key.
2) Turn OFF/ON the main power switch.
Do not use this when the machine is operating correctly.
Display/adj/set range
0 to 2
0: 100 sheets, 1: 200 sheets, 2: 300 sheets
Default value
Related service mode COPIER> OPTION> IMG-DEV> DEVL-VTH
ON/OFF of D-max/D-half control
Lv.1 Details
To set ON/OFF of D-max/D-half control at warm-up rotation.
0: D-Max/D-half control is not executed.
1: D-Max/D-Half control is executed only in an HH (high temperature
and high humidity) environment.
2: D-Max/D-Half control is executed in all environments.
Use case
When image smear occurs in an HH environment
Adj/set/operate method 1) Enter the setting value, and then press OK key.
2) Turn OFF/ON the main power switch.
Display/adj/set range
0 to 2
0: OFF, 1: ON (HH environment only), 2: ON (all environments)
Default value
ATR patch ppr interval adj (1st limit)
Lv.2 Details
To adjust the paper interval at which patch detection is performed by
paper interval ATR control.
Decrease the value when hue variation is large to increase the
Increase the value to reduce downtime.
Adj/set/operate method 1) Enter the setting value, and then press OK key.
2) Turn OFF/ON the main power switch.
Display/adj/set range
0 to 5
0: 0 sheets, 1: 100 sheets, 2: 200 sheets ...... 5: 500 sheets
Default value
Related service mode To set the intervals at which a band of ATR patches is formed at last
Adj ATR patch VD counter total VL intvl
Lv.2 Details
To adjust the interval of the total video counter value at which patch
detection is performed by ATR control.
Decrease the value when hue variation is large.
Increase the value to reduce downtime.
Adj/set/operate method 1) Enter the setting value, and then press OK key.
2) Turn OFF/ON the main power switch.
Display/adj/set range
0 to 5
Default value
Setting of image ratio for Y-toner ejctn
Lv.2 Details
To set the threshold value for average image ratio where Y-toner
ejection is executed.
As the value is incremented by 1, the ratio changes by 1%.
When fogging occurs while making a large number of outputs of low
duty images, increase the value if 0/1 is set in user mode.
If the user does not want too many waste toner when low duty image
is output, decrease the value.
Adj/set/operate method 1) Enter the setting value, and then press OK key.
2) Turn OFF/ON the main power switch.
Display/adj/set range
0 to 10
0: 0%, 1: 1%, 2: 2%, 3 to 10: Not used
Default value
Setting of image ratio for C-toner ejctn
Lv.2 Details
To set the threshold value for average image ratio where C-toner
ejection is executed.
As the value is incremented by 1, the ratio changes by 1%.
When fogging occurs while making a large number of outputs of low
duty images, increase the value if 0/1 is set in user mode.
If the user does not want too many waste toner when low duty image
is output, decrease the value.
Adj/set/operate method 1) Enter the setting value, and then press OK key.
2) Turn OFF/ON the main power switch.
Display/adj/set range
0 to 10
0: 0%, 1: 1%, 2: 2%, 3 to 10: Not used
Default value