Technology > MEAP > Enhanced System Application Management > SSO-H (Single Sign-On-H) overview
Technology > MEAP > Enhanced System Application Management > SSO-H (Single Sign-On-H) overview
2) Restart the device.
Restart the device in order to reflect the changes in login service.
3) Disable Depart ID Management.
In user mode ([Settings/Registration]), select [Management Settings] > [User Management]
> [Department ID Management] > [OFF]. In the case of remote UI, access [Settings/
Registration] > [Management Settings] > [User Management] > [Department ID
Management] > [Department ID Management Settings], and deselect [Enable Department
ID Management].
4) Change the authentication method back to SSO-H authentication.
Access SMS, and select [Single Sign-On H] in [Enhanced System Application Management]
> [Login Service]. (How to log in to SMS can be found in "Login to SMS". )
5) Restart the device.
Restart the device in order to reflect the changes in login service.
6) Change the user registration information of SSO-H.
Access the URL shown below, and change the content to the information registered in
Department ID Management.
Or, import the setting file whose content you want to use.
SSO-H user registration information edition screen
(SSO management screen [Main Menu] > [User Management] > [Edit User Information] or
https://<IP address>:8443/sso/Edit).