Troubleshooting > Version upgrade > Version Upgrade using USB memory Storage Device > Downloading/Writing System Software (Automatic)
Troubleshooting > Version upgrade > Version Upgrade using USB memory Storage Device > Downloading/Writing System Software (Automatic)
Downloading/Writing System Software (Automatic)
[1]: Upgrade (Auto)
The version is compared between the host machine/option and the system software in the
USB memory storage device to download only the system software with newer version in the
USB memory storage device to the temporary storage area of the HDD.
In safe mode, only the following system software can retrieve the version information (the
version is compared).
As for system software of the host machine whose version information cannot be obtained,
the software for RCON is not downloaded, but other software are downloaded.
For the system software of the option that is not connected, it is handled as follows:
<In the case of startup in normal mode (Recommended)>
• When Download Mode Version (to be displayed on the initial screen when starting the
download mode) is before 00.36
All the system software including the one of the non-connecting option is to be
downloaded as well (E753 is displayed).
• When Download Mode Version (to be displayed on the initial screen when starting the
download mode) is 00.36:
For the Finisher that is not connected, the system software is not to be downloaded.
G3CCB/G3CCM is to be downloaded even if Super G3FAX Board – AE1 is not
installed (E753 is displayed).
• When Download Mode Version (to be displayed on the initial screen when starting the
download mode) is 00.40 or later:
For the option that is not connected, the system software is not to be downloaded.
<In the case of startup in safe mode>
The system software of the options which are not connected are not downloaded.
After downloading is complete, this machine is automatically restarted to write the
downloaded system software to the HDD system area/flash ROM.
Operation procedure
1) Enter download mode.
2) Connect the USB memory storage device to the USB port.
3) Press the key on the Control Panel.
[1] -> [0]: To execute downloading/Any key other than [0] key: To return to the menu screen.
[[[[[ download Menu (USB) ]]]]]]]]]]]
[1]: Upgrade (Auto)
[2]: Upgrade (w Confirmation)
[3]: Upgrade (Overwrite all)
[4]: Format HDD
[5]: Backup
[7]: Clear downloaded files
[8]: download Menu 2
[9]: Other Menu
[Reset]: Shutdown
During downloading, download status is displayed on the Control Panel.
Once downloading is complete, this machine is automatically restarted to start writing to the
HDD system area/flash ROM.
The screen shows the countdown once writing process is properly complete.