Technology > MEAP > Login to SMS > Outline
Technology > MEAP > Login to SMS > Outline
When SMS Cannot Be Accessed
If you forgot the password (SMS login password initialization)
After changing the default SMS login password, if you forgot the new password and cannot
log in to SMS, you can use a switch license for password initialization to change the password
back to the default value "MeapSmsLogin".
Note that there is no special password for service.
1) Obtain a switch license file for password initialization.
Contact the person in charge of support at the sales company, give the device's serial
number, and have a switch license file for password initialization issued.
2) Load the switch license file.
With nothing entered, click the [ Log in ] button to display the area for specifying a switch
license file for password initialization.
3) Specify the switch license file.
Click the [ Browse ] button and specify the switch license file.
4) Initialize the login password.
Click the [ Initialize ] button to display an initialization confirmation page, and click the [ OK
] button.
• The default password is “MeapSmsLogin.” (The password is case-sensitive.)
• If you click [Cancel] button, the Login page opens without initializing the password.
If login is not possible due to exclusive control
Since access to SMS is under exclusive control, you cannot log in if another user has already
logged into the SMS of the same iR device.
An example of the exclusive control message
If you cannot log in due to exclusive control, you need to ask the other user to log out before
you can try again.
If you close the browser without logging out, the session remains active. In that case,
you cannot log in again.
If this problem occurs, you can wait for 5 minutes so that the session is disconnected.
Or, you can restart the device to force the session to disconnect.