Troubleshooting > Debug log > Network Packet Capture > Embedded Network Packet Capture Collection
Troubleshooting > Debug log > Network Packet Capture > Embedded Network Packet Capture Collection
Start the network capture function
Select the following: Service Mode(level 2) Copier > Test > NET-CAP > CAPOFFON > "1".
*1: ON (enabled) The capture function is available.
Overwrite function
Select the following: Service Mode(Level 2) Copier > Test > NET-CAP > OVERWRIT > 1
When the HDD space becomes full after starting the capture, the oldest file is deleted
and the captured data continues to be saved; therefore, it is necessary to set "1:
Overwrite" in advance.
The following shows the machine behavior when the HDD space reaches full.
When the overwriting setting is ON
• The oldest packet file is deleted. The oldest file is determined by the last update time of the
file (not by the date and time attached to the file).
• When the HDD space reaches full during packet collection, the oldest file is deleted to
continue collecting packet data to the currently-stored file.
• CAPSTATE of capturing continues to be "RUNNING".
When the overwriting setting is OFF
• Capturing is stopped.
• CAPSTATE of capturing becomes "HDDFULL". Note that STT-STP remains as start state
(1). Capturing is started again by changing the value from STT-STP (0) to STT-STP (1).
• If the HDDFULL state is cleared when starting capturing again, capturing is started.
• CAPSTATE of capturing becomes "RUNNING".
• If the HDDFULL state is not cleared, starting data capturing results in an error.
• CAPSTATE of capturing remains as "HDDFULL".
• When a command of stopping data capturing is given during the "HDDFULL" state,
CAPSTATE of capturing remains as "STOP".
Encryption function
Select the following: Service Mode(Level 2) Copier > Test > NET-CAP > ENCDATA >2.
0: Data is encrypted at data extraction (factory setting value).
1: Data is not encrypted at data extraction.
2: Two types of files (one in encrypted format and another in clear text format) are extracted
at data extraction.