Technology > Embedded RDS > Service cautions
Technology > Embedded RDS > Service cautions
Service cautions
1) After clearing RAM of the Main Controller PCB SRAM Board, initialization of the E-RDS
setting (ERDS-DAT) and a communication test (COM-TEST) need to be performed.
Failure to do so will result that the counter transmitting value to the UGW may become
Also, after replacing the main controller board, all settings must be reprogrammed.
2) The following settings in service mode must not be change unless there are specific
instructions to do so. Changing these values will cause error in communication with UGW.
• Set port number of UGW
Default : 443
• URL setting of UGW
[SERVICE MODE] > [COPIER] > [Function] > [INSTALL] > [RGW-ADR]
Default : https://a01.ugwdevice.net/ugw/agentif010
3) If the e-Maintenance/imageWARE Remote contract of the device is invalid, be sure to turn
OFF the E-RDS setting (E-RDS : 0).
4) This machine supports communication tests in user mode
. When conducting a
communication test in user mode, pay attention on the following points:
• During a communication test in user mode, do not take any actions such as pressing
a key. Actions are not accepted until the communication test is completed (actions are
• When a communication test is being conducted from service mode or user mode,
do not conduct a communication test from the other. These operations are not
The user can conduct a communication test and seen the communication test result.
If the communication results in failure, an error code (a hexadecimal number, 8 digits)
appears on the local UI.