Troubleshooting > Debug log > Network Packet Capture > SST Network Packet File Collection
Troubleshooting > Debug log > Network Packet Capture > SST Network Packet File Collection
Starting the Machine and SST
1) Start the machine using the 2 and 8 keys, and connect SST in Single mode.
2) Click the "Start" button.
3) Select a model to connect and "Single", check the network settings, and then click the
"Start" button.
Upload data
1) Click the [Upload Data] button on SST.
2) When a list of packet files stored in the device appears, select target data files to upload.
When using SST to collect data, you can select both files in encrypted format and clear
text format.
Collect the network capture data
1) In the case of the default installation destination for SST, click the folder with the name of
the serial number of the machine stored in C drive > ServData > target model (e.g.: iAC5255)
on the PC.
2) Three types of files are collected; a file in clear text format (xxx.cap), a file in encrypted
format (xxx.can), and a list of collected network capture files (ufset.txt).
3) Use free software to analyze the collected network packet capture data in clear text format
When the analysis work fails, send the file in encrypted format (xxx.can) to Canon Inc.