Service Mode > COPIER > DISPLAY > CCD
Service Mode > COPIER > DISPLAY > CCD
Shading target value (B)
Lv.2 Details
To display the shading target value of Blue.
Continuous display of 0 (minimum) or FFFF (maximum) is
considered a failure of the Reader Controller PCB.
When the value is out of the target value range, image failure
or E302 (shading error) may have occurred. Identify the cause
according to the value.
Use case
- When replacing the Reader Controller PCB
- At scanned image failure
Display/adj/set range
0 to FFFF
Appropriate target value 512 to 2047
Shading target value (G)
Lv.2 Details
To display the target value of Green.
Continuous display of 0 (minimum) or FFFF (maximum) is
considered a failure of the Reader Controller PCB.
When the value is out of the target value range, image failure
or E302 (shading error) may have occurred. Identify the cause
according to the value.
Use case
- When replacing the Reader Controller PCB
- At scanned image failure
Display/adj/set range
0 to FFFF
Appropriate target value 512 to 2047
Shading target value (R)
Lv.2 Details
To display the shading target value of Red.
Continuous display of 0 (minimum) or FFFF (maximum) is
considered a failure of the Reader Controller PCB.
When the value is out of the target value range, image failure
or E302 (shading error) may have occurred. Identify the cause
according to the value.
Use case
- When replacing the Reader Controller PCB
- At scanned image failure
Display/adj/set range
0 to FFFF
Appropriate target value 512 to 2047
Gain level of Img Sensor odd bit(B): frt
Lv.2 Details
To display the Blue gain level adjustment value in odd-numbered bit
on CMOS Sensor of Scanner Unit (paper front).
Continuous display of upper limit is considered a failure of the
Scanner Unit/Reader Controller PCB.
When the value is out of the target value range, image failure
or E302 (shading error) may have occurred. Identify the cause
according to the value.
Use case
- When replacing the Reader Controller PCB
- At scanned image failure
Display/adj/set range
0 to 143
Appropriate target value 0 to 143
Gain level of Img Sensor odd bit(G): frt
Lv.2 Details
To display the Green gain level adjustment value in odd-numbered
bit on CMOS Sensor of Scanner Unit (paper front).
Continuous display of upper limit is considered a failure of the
Scanner Unit/Reader Controller PCB.
When the value is out of the target value range, image failure
or E302 (shading error) may have occurred. Identify the cause
according to the value.
Use case
- When replacing the Reader Controller PCB
- At scanned image failure
Display/adj/set range
0 to 143
Appropriate target value 0 to 143
Gain level of Img Sensor odd bit(R): frt
Lv.2 Details
To display the Red gain level adjustment value in odd-numbered bit
on CMOS Sensor of Scanner Unit (paper front).
Continuous display of upper limit is considered a failure of the
Scanner Unit/Reader Controller PCB.
When the value is out of the target value range, image failure
or E302 (shading error) may have occurred. Identify the cause
according to the value.
Use case
- When replacing the Reader Controller PCB
- At scanned image failure
Display/adj/set range
0 to 143
Appropriate target value 0 to 143
Gain level of Img Sensor even bit(B):frt
Lv.2 Details
To display the Blue gain level adjustment value in even-numbered bit
on CMOS Sensor of Scanner Unit (paper front).
Continuous display of upper limit is considered a failure of the
Scanner Unit/Reader Controller PCB.
When the value is out of the target value range, image failure
or E302 (shading error) may have occurred. Identify the cause
according to the value.
Use case
- When replacing the Reader Controller PCB
- At scanned image failure
Display/adj/set range
0 to 143
Appropriate target value 0 to 143