Spectrum Measurements
User Manual 1175.7445.02 ─ 08
For more information see
Remote command:
Squelch ← Marker Demod
Activates the squelch function, i.e. the audible AF is cut off below a defined threshold
level. Thus, you avoid hearing noise at the audio output when no signal is available.
The squelch function activates the video trigger function (see
on page 347) and
deactivates any other trigger or gating settings. The squelch level and trigger level are
set to the same value.
The trigger source in the channel information bar is indicated as "SQL" for squelch.
The squelch level is indicated by a red line in the diagram.
Remote command:
Squelch Level ← Marker Demod
Defines the level threshold below which the audible AF is cut off if squelching is
enabled. The video trigger level is set to the same value.
The squelch level is indicated by a red line in the diagram.
Remote command:
n dB down
Opens an edit dialog box to enter a value to define the level spacing of the two tempo-
rary markers to the right and left of marker 1 (default setting: 3 dB). Activates the tem-
porary markers T1 and T2. The values of the temporary markers (T1, T2) and the
entered value (ndB) are displayed in the marker field.
If a positive value is entered, the markers T1 and T2 are placed below the active refer-
ence marker. If a negative value (e.g. for notch filter measurements) is entered, the
markers T1 and T2 are placed above the active reference marker. Marker T1 is placed
to the left and marker T2 to the right of the reference marker.
In the marker table, the following results are displayed:
Span setting
Parameter name
span > 0
frequency spacing of the two temporary markers
Q factor
quality of the displayed bandwidth value (Bw)
span = 0
pulse width between the two temporary markers
If it is not possible to form the frequency spacing for the n dB value (e.g. because of
noise display), dashes instead of a measured value are displayed.