Spectrum Measurements
User Manual 1175.7445.02 ─ 08
Measuring with Markers (MKR FUNC Key)
The [MKR FUNC] key provides various functions for markers, e.g.
Phase Noise measurements
Setting reference points
Marker demodulation
Defining Marker peak lists
Signal counts
Measuring the power for a band around the marker
To open the marker function menu
Press the [MKR FUNC] key.
The "Mkr Func" (marker function) menu is displayed.
Menu and softkey description
"Softkeys of the Marker Function Menu"
Further information
"Frequency Measurement with the Frequency Counter"
"Measurement of Noise Density"
"Measurement example for Phase Noise Auto Peak Search"
"Setting a Fixed Reference Point (Phase Noise Measurement)"
"Setting the Demodulation Mode and Duration"
"Performing Band Power Measurements"
Softkeys of the Marker Function Menu
The following table shows all softkeys available in the marker function menu. It is pos-
sible that your instrument configuration does not provide all softkeys. If a softkey is
only available with a special option, model or (measurement) mode, this information is
provided in the corresponding softkey description.
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Ref Point Frequency (span > 0)/Ref Point Time (zero span)
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