4.2.8 New Document
Use this option to create a new document. There are several ways to access
this function. You can open the menu by pressing “Alt”, navigate to "New
Document" and press "Enter". Or, you can open the menu and press "n".
The hot key for this option in the "File Manager" is "Ctrl-n".
When the new document function is activated, the Braille Sense U2
QWERTY displays "File type: text (txt)". You can create two types of
documents: text files and Braille files. You can use the down arrow (“down
arrow button”) to select the "Braille (brl)" file format. When you press "Enter"
on either "text (txt)" or "Braille (brl)," the Braille Sense U2 QWERTY displays
"New document name: New Document0.txt" or "New Documen0.brl". "New
Document0.xxx" is the default file name based on the file type you have
chosen. The number after the new document increases by one whenever
you create a new document for which you do not specify a name. You can
also type in the document name you prefer and press "Enter". The new
document you named is created. “|, \, <, >, ?, :, *” characters cannot be used
when creating a file name.
4.2.9 New Folder
Use this option to create a new sub-folder under the current folder. Open the
menu in the "File Manager" by pressing “Alt” and select "New Folder" from
the menu list. Press "Enter" on "New Folder" to activate this function. You
can use the letter "f" to jump the new folder option in the menu. "Alt-f" is the
hot key that you use to access this feature directly from the file list.
The Braille Sense U2 QWERTY prompts, "New folder name:,". Enter your
preferred new folder name in ASCII, and press "Enter". Your new folder is
When creating a new folder name, you cannot use the following characters:
"|, \, <, >, ?, :, *”