1) Contact Information: A Status area containing several pieces of
information about the contact. Move to each item using “up arrow button” or
“down arrow button”.
A. Display name: Displays on-line ID set on the "My Status Options".
B. E-mail: Displays E-mail account.
C. Chat: Displays whether chat is "Enabled" or "Disabled".
D. File sharing: Displays whether it is possible to send/receive files with this
E. Voice Chat: Displays whether voice chatting is possible.
F. Status contact: Displays current contact request status such as
"acceptance" or "standby".
2) Close: A button to close the "View Contact Information" dialog and return
you to the "Contact" list. Manage Contact List
When you log into “Google Talk”, if you have pending contact requests
dialogs pop up asking whether you accept each invitation. All unanswered
contact requests appear and can be acted on in the "Manage Contact List".
Access the "Manage Contact List" to accept or reject pending contact
To open the "Manage Contact List" dialog, Press "Ctrl-p" or Press "Enter" on
"Manage Contact List" from the "Contact" menu.
The "Manage Contact List" dialog consists of 4 controls.
1) E-mail: A list displaying user ID's of those requesting you to add them as a
2) Accept: A button to accept the focused user ID as a contact.
3) Reject: A button to reject the focused user ID as a contact.
4) Close: A button to close the dialog and return to the ""contact" list.
16.3.3 Start Chat