Browser, DAISY Player, Bluetooth Manager, Database Manager, Extras,
Social Networking, Utilities, Global Options, and Help.
The first item in the "Program" menu is "File Manager". If “Down arrow
button” is pressed, the next menu item is displayed and spoken. Pressing
“down arrow button” repeatedly, will continue your navigational progress
down the list of items in the "Program" menu. When you reach the bottom
of the list, the "Help" menu item is displayed as it is the last item in the
"Program" menu.
You could also jump quickly to the "Help" menu item by pressing "Ctrl-Fn-
Right arrow key" when "File Manager" is displayed. Press "Ctrl-Fn-Left
arrow key," and the Braille Sense U2 QWERTY jumps back to the top item
in the "Program" menu and again speaks and displays "File Manager". As
explained above, to execute a submenu or program from the "Program"
menu, press "Enter". If you are in a submenu, and wish to return to the
main "Program" menu, press "Esc."
The "Win key" command for accessing the "Program" menu is an example
of a global hotkey. This means that pressing the "Win key" key takes you to
the "Program" menu immediately from anywhere on the Braille Sense U2
QWERTY, whether you are in a submenu, a file, a dialog or an application.
When you press "Win key", you are always placed at the top of the
"Program" menu; and File Manager, is displayed and spoken.
2.2.1 Control Symbols
The Braille Sense U2 QWERTY uses several control symbols to note the
type of information being displayed: examples are list items, menus, and
edit boxes. These symbols can appear "Before" or "After" the text, or the
appearance of this information may be set to "off". The way this information
is displayed is determined by the "Control information" setting in the "Global
Options" dialog. The default value is set to "Before." Note: In the Web