12.3.3 Move by Page
You can access this item in the menu by pressing “Alt”, and press "Enter" on
"Document". Then, use “down arrow button” to move to "Previous Page",
"Next Page", or "Go To Page", and press "Enter". You can move to the next
or previous page directly by pressing "page down" or "page up" during play
or pause status. You can jump to a specific page by pressing "Ctrl-g". When
you activate "Go To Page", you are prompted "Move to page number?" Type
the number of the page that you want to move to in the edit box. Press
"Enter", and the Braille Sense U2 QWERTY moves you to that page.
12.3.4 Move by Level
You can access this function in the menu by pressing “Alt,” and then press
“Enter” on “Document.” Then, use “Down arrow key”to move to “Move up” or
“Move down,” and press “Enter.”Or, you can move up and down without
calling up the menu by pressing “Alt-Left arrow key” or “Alt-Right arrow key”.
You can set the level by pressing “Alt-Down arrow key” or “Alt-Up arrow key”.
Namely, if the level is set to 3, you can move through the level 1, 2 and 3
and if the level is set to 1, you can move through the level 1 only.
12.3.5 Move by Time Index
You can use this function in the following situations:
1. While playing an audio DAISY book or in pause status.
2. While playing audio in an audio text DAISY book or in pause status.
The setting values are "5 seconds", "10 seconds", "30 seconds", "1minute",
"3 minutes", "5 minutes", "10 minutes", "15 minutes", "20 minutes", "30
minutes" and "1 hour".
To set previous time index, follow these steps: