14.3 Search Records
Once you have added records, you will likely want to access this information
in an efficient manner. To search for information in your records, use the
"Search Records" dialog. To open the "Search Records" dialog, press “Alt”
and press "Enter" on "Search Records". Or press “Ctrl-s”. The "Search
Records" dialog is opened, and the first field of the table is focused. Type the
text that you want to search for.
Using the Address Book example, the focused field is the "name" field. Thus,
type a person's name in the edit box to look up "/her record. If you have
several records under the same name, you may wish to further specify the
record you are looking for. To search for records using content from more
than one field, press “Tab” to move to another field. Type the text to search
for in this field, and press "Enter".
The "List of Records Found", or rather, records that matched your search, is
opened. In the "List of Records Found", each record is shown in the following
form. "(the name of the first field) : (other information in the record) xx/yy".
"yy" is the total number of records found, and "xx" is the order of the current
record in the list. If no record is found, you are informed, "No records found",
and the current field is shown again, so you can type another search queery.
Move through the "List of Records Found" as follows.
1. Move
Move to the next record: Down arrow key or down scroll button
Move to the previous record: Up arrow key or up scroll button
Move to the last record: Ctrl-Fn-Right arrow key
Move to previous same field different record: Left arrow key
Move to next same field different record: Right arrow key
Move to the first record: Ctrl-Fn-Left arrow key
Move between the fields in a record
Move to the next field: Ctrl-Right arrow key
Move to the previous field: Ctrl-Left arrow key
Move to the last field: Fn-Right arrow key
Move to the first field: Fn-Left arrow key