the "Open Folder" dialog. When you open the "Open Folder" dialog, the
default folder name is displayed. The default folder is set to "flashdisk".
Press "Enter" to display all of the folders in "flashdisk", and press “up arrow
button” or “down arrow button” to move among the folders. To enter the
folder under your cursor, (and list any sub-folders contained there) press
"Enter" on it. Press "Backspace" to move back to the parent folder. To select
a folder, press "Space" on the folder name. You can select more than one
folder. Once you have selected all of the folders you want, press "Enter". The
Braille Sense U2 QWERTY adds all of the supported audio files from the
selected folders to the playlist and starts playing the first file. Add File
The "Add File" menu item is used to add audio files to the currently playing
list. If you press "Enter" on "Add File" in the "File" menu, or press "Alt-o" in
the "Media Playback" dialog, the same dialog that is used for "Open File" is
displayed. Select all of the files that you want, and press "Enter" (as in the
"Open File" dialog). The Braille Sense U2 QWERTY adds the selected files
to the playlist. However the Braille Sense U2 QWERTY does not start
playing these files. To start playing the files in the playlist, press the
"Play/Pause" button on the front panel. Or, you can press "Enter" on "play" in
the "play" menu. A detailed explanation of the "play" menu can be found in
section 9.3.2. Add Folder
The "Add Folder" menu item is used to add all of the audio files in a selected
folder to the currently playing list. If you press "Enter" on "Add Folder" in the
"File" menu (or press "F3" in the "Media Playback" dialog), the same dialog
that is used for "Open Folder" is displayed. If you select all of the folders you
want to add, and press "Enter", the Braille Sense U2 QWERTY adds all of
the supported audio files in the selected folders to the playlist. However, it
does not start playing the files. You can start playing the files in the playlist