351 Send Direct Message
Use the "Send Direct Message" dialog to send a "Direct Message" (DM) to
one of your "followers". To open the "Send Direct Message" dialog, press
“Ctrl-s”, or select "Send Direct Message" from the "Tweets" menu. The
"Send Direct Message" dialog consists of 6 controls. Move among the
controls by pressing "Tab" or "Shift-tab".
1) Followers: The list of those who follow you. Select a user from this list to
send a direct message to that person.
2) Next list: loads the next 32 followers in your list. Press "Ctrl-n" or "Enter"
on this button to load the next list.
3) Message: An edit box in which to type the message you wish to send.
When done, you may press "Enter" to send the message and return to the
"followers" list.
4) Characters: A status bar displaying current characters and maximum
characters: for example, "Characters: 0/140T".
5) Send: A button used to send the direct message. Press “Ctrl-s” or "Enter"
on this button to send your message and return to the "followers" list.
6) Close: use this button to close the dialog without sending a message. You
can also use "Esc" to close the dialog. Accessing Received Direct Messages
This function allows you to view Direct Messages you have received from
those you follow.
To open the "received messages" dialog, press "Alt-r" or select the
"Received Direct messages" item located in the "Tweets" menu.
The "Received Direct Messages" dialog consists of 4 controls. Move among
the controls by pressing "Tab" or "Shift-tab".
1) Received Direct Messages: A list of the messages you have received,
shown from newest to oldest. Messages are displayed as "ID: message"