to access. In the "Calculator", you can open the menu by pressing “Alt”, and
press "Enter" on "General Functions". Or, you can press "g" from the menu
to access "General Functions". When the calculator is opened, 0 is displayed
in computer Braille. From the calculation line, you can access the "General
Functions" using the hot key, "Ctrl-g".
When the dialog opens, you are placed on the general function list. Once
there, you can select your desired operation and press "Enter" to run it. You
can cancel the operator selection by pressing "Enter" on "Cancel", "Alt-F4",
or "Esc". You can also use hot keys to quickly execute operations.
Use the following hot keys to perform basic calculations:
Plus: +
Minus: -
Divided by: /
Multiply by: *
Percent: %
Power: ^
Square Root: Ctrl-q
Decimal point: .
Left parenthesis: (
Right parenthesis: )
PI: Ctrl-p
Exponential: Ctrl-e
To enter negative numbers type minus and the number in parentheses. For
example, type in minus 2 in the following manner: (-2).
For the percent operation, type the numbers first followed by the percent
sign. Immediately after you type the percent sign (%), the number you have
typed in is converted into a percent value. For example, 90 + 20% equals 90
+ 18. The number 18 is displayed immediately on entering the % sign. The
result of this expression is 108.