3.2.38 Automatically synchronize with time server
If you have the "Automatically synchronize with time server" option turned on,
the date and time is synchronize with an internet time server automatically
each time the Braille Sense U2 QWERTY is connected to internet. Using this
feature, you can ensure the accuracy of the time on the Braille Sense U2
QWERTY by synchronizing with an atomic clock via the internet.
The shortcut key is "t". The default setting is "ON". Use "Space" to toggle
time server synchronization on/off.
3.2.39 Progress indicator
The progress indicator setting defines how the progress of opening a
document, copying files or opening a webpage is indicated. The shortcut key
is "p”. You can choose among "Silent," (no progress indication) "Beep,"
(continuous beeps while the task is performed) and "Message" (progress is
shown as a percentage). By default, progress indication is set to "Message".
Press "Space" to cycle through the three settings,
3.2.40 Bluetooth
Use this option to turn Bluetooth on or off. The shortcut key for this option is
"b". Toggle Bluetooth on/off by pressing "Space". By default, it is set to "Off".
You can toggle Bluetooth on and off from anywhere on Braille Sense U2
QWERTY by pressing "F9".
Note: you must turn Bluetooth on to connect to Bluetooth enabled devices. It
is recommended that you turn Bluetooth off when it is not in use to save
battery power.
3.2.41 Wireless LAN