376 Instant Messaging
To have a conversation with a person in your list of contacts, move to the
contact, and press "Alt" to open the menu. Move to "Actions" and press
"Enter". Press "Enter" again on "Send Instant Message". Or press "Enter" or
“Ctrl-s” on the contact in the list. The "Instant message" dialog appears, in
which you can type messages back and forth with your contact online. Adding, Deleting, or Viewing Contact Information
To add a contact, do the following:
1) Press “Alt” or F2 to open the menu. Move to "Contacts" by pressing “down
arrow button”, and press "Enter". Press "Enter" on "Add Contact". You can
also press "Ctrl-a" to activate this function directly.
2) The "Add Contact" dialog is displayed, and you are placed in the "E-mail
address" edit box. Type the e-mail address of the person you want to add in
computer Braille.
3) Press “Tab” to move to the "Confirm" button, and press "Enter". The
contact information is stored and you are placed back in the contact list box.
To cancel adding the contact information, press “Tab” to move to the
"Cancel" button, and press "Enter".
The added contact is displayed as offline until the person accepts your
request for adding him or her to your contact list. As soon as the request is
accepted, their status is changed to online, and from then on, will reflect the
person's actual status.
You can delete a contact you have stored by doing the following:
1) Move to the contact you want to delete, by pressing “up arrow button” or
“down arrow button” repeatedly.
2) Press “Alt” to open the menu. Press “down arrow button” to move to
"Contacts", and press "Enter". Move to "Delete Contact" by pressing “down
arrow button”, and press "Enter". Or to activate this function directly, press
3) The "Delete Contact" dialog is displayed, showing the e-mail address of
the person to be deleted in the "E-mail address" edit box. Make sure that the
address is correct, and if not, make the necessary changes.