11) Braille Sense U2 QWERTY displays "Use secure POP3 (POP-SSL)".
The default value of this check box is unselected. If the POP3 server uses
"SSL", select the check box by pressing "Space".
12) Press “down arrow button” to move to "POP3 port number": set to 110 by
default. Type a different POP3 port number in the computer edit box if your
provider requires a different port number. Note: if you check "SSL" above,
the pop port number is automatically changed to 995, as most pop servers
with SSL require.
13) Press “down arrow button” to move to "SMTP encryption type". The
setting values are "None", "SSL" and "TLS". If your Outgoing SMTP server
uses "SSL" or "TLS", change the value by pressing "Space".
14) Press “down arrow button” to move to "SMTP port number": set to 25 by
default. Type a different value in the computer edit box if your provider uses
a different SMTP port number. Common port numbers are 465 for SMTP
servers using SSL, and 587 for SMTP servers using TLS.
15) Press “down arrow button” to move to "SMTP username". If your Internet
account provider requires you to use a different SMTP username, enter it in
this computer edit box.
16) Press “down arrow button” to move to "SMTP password". Type the
password that corresponds to the above ID. It should be typed using ASCII.
17) Press “down arrow button” to move to "Use as default send-from
account" To use the username and password that were set in steps 7 and 8,
select the check box by pressing "Space".
18) Press “down arrow button” to move to "Keep mail copies in server".
When you download e-mail from your e-mail server, you can set the Braille
Sense U2 QWERTY to keep e-mail messages on the server or delete them
as they download. Press "Space" to toggle "Yes" and "No", and press "enter"
if you do not want a copy of the e-mail to remain on the e-mail server.
19) Press “down arrow button” to move to "Save mail copies in sent mailbox".
When you send e-mail, you can set whether or not the Braille Sense U2
QWERTY stores e-mail messages you send in the sent mailbox. Press
"Space" to toggle "Yes" and "No", and press "Enter".
20) Press "Tab", move to "Use signature". The default value is "No". To
attach a signature to your mail, press "Space" to change "No" to "Yes".