You can choose to have the Braille Sense U2 QWERTY alert you to a blank
line by announcing "Blank" as you encounter empty lines while scrolling
through a document or you can choose to have the unit skip empty lines.
The shortcut key is "e" and the default is set to "Off". Use "Space" to toggle
the option on/off.
3.2.28 Control Information
Use this setting to determine where information appears regarding the type
of control on which you are currently located, a list item, menu, combo box,
etc. The short cut key is "i" and the default is set to "After". To toggle "Control
information" between before, after and off, press "space.
If you select "Before," control information, such as "list item", or "combo box"
is displayed and spoken before a menu/list item or form control. If you select
"After," control information is displayed and announced after the item or
control. If you have control information set to "Off", control information is not
displayed or spoken.
Note that if you are using the Web browser the control symbols are
displayed even if the "Control information" option is set to "Off".
3.2.29 Hide passwords
When you enter a password in a computer edit box, The Braille Sense U2
QWERTY can either display an asterisk, *(dots 1-6) or the actual password
as you type it.
The short cut key is "p" and the default is set to "On". This means passwords
are hidden, and thus will be shown using asterisks. To show passwords as
you type them, use "Space" to toggle this setting to "Off".