Multi edit box
This also represents the edit
box. But you can type in more
than one line in the edit box.
(Ex: “MEB Subject: (cursor)” in
the e-mail program)
Computer edit
It means there is an edit box to
input ASCII Braille.
The edit box after this symbol
should allow ASCII Braille to be
typed in.
(Ex: “CE To: (cursor) “ in the
email program)
Combo box
It represents the combo box in
which you can choose an item
by pressing the up scroll button
or the down scroll button.
(Ex: “CB Type: *.*” in the “Open
dialog box” of the word
processor program)
Edit combo box
You can choose the desired item
by pressing the up or down scroll
button, or by directly typing in the
item name.
(Ex: “ECB File name: (cursor)
“ in the “Open dialog box” of the
word processor program)
Prompt button
PB follows any question in which
you have to choose “Yes” or
“No.” You can toggle between
“Yes” and “No” by pressing the
“Space” or the “Backspace”
(Ex: When you exit from the
word processor, “PB Save: Yes”)