The "Global Search" launches a search for entered text among all "Twitter"
timelines. You can also follow the user of a tweet in the results of your
"Global Search".
To open the "Global Search" dialog, press "Ctrl-f" or select the "Global
Search" item from the "Search" menu.
The "Global" search dialog contains 6 controls. Move among the controls by
pressing "Tab" or "Shift-tab".
1) Search word?: An edit box into which you can enter the word for which
you want to search.
2) Next list: Loads the next 20 results in the list. You can load the "Next list"
by pressing "Ctrl-n" or press "Enter" on the button.
3) Search results: A list containing the results of your search, such as "User
Id: Self-introduction". The "Search result" button appears only when there
are results to display.
4) Follow User: Select this button to follow the focused user. The "Follow
User" button appears only when there are search results displayed.
5) Confirm: Use this button to execute a search.
6) Cancel: This button closes the "Global Search" dialog and returns you to
your previous position. You can also cancel by pressing "Esc".
Use the following steps to search for and follow a user.
(1) Open the "Global search" dialog and you are placed in the "Search word"
edit box. Type your desired search term.
(2) Press "Enter", and "Searching" is displayed.
(3) If the search is successful, search results appear. If no results match your
search, "No search results" is displayed and you are returned to the "Search
word" edit box.
(4) In the search results list, navigate to user whom you want to follow, by
pressing “down arrow button” or “up arrow button”.
(5) Press "Alt-a" to follow the focused user. User search