"Off", numbers are spoken as digits, and "2007" is read as "two zero zero
seven". You can change the value by pressing "Space".
3.2.13 Abbreviations
You can turn the translation of acronyms on/off on Braille Sense U2
QWERTY. Use "a", to jump quickly to the "Abbreviations" option in the
"Global Options" dialog. If "Abbreviations" is set to "On", when the Braille
Sense U2 QWERTY encounters "Ala" it speaks "Alabama". But if
"Abbreviations" is set to 'Off', it speaks "Ala".
3.2.14 Voice Volume
Use this option to set the volume level of the voice on the Braille Sense U2
QWERTY. The shortcut key is "l”. The volume level can be set using values
1 to 21, with 1 being the lowest volume level and 21 being the highest. Use
"Space" to increase the volume by 1 increment, and "Backspace" to
decrease it.
Ffrom anywhere on the Braille Sense U2 QWERTY, you can increase the
volume with "F6" and decrease it with "Shift-F6".
3.2.15 Voice Rate
This option controls the rate of the speech on Braille Sense U2 QWERTY.
The shortcut key is "r". You can set the rate using values 1 to 12, with 1
being the slowest, and 12 being the fastest. Press "Space" to increase the
rate of speech by one increment, and "Backspace" to decrease it.
From anywhere on the Braille Sense U2 QWERTY, you can increase the
speech rate using "F7" and you can decrease it with "Shift-F7".