20.5.1 Hot keys for the commands
Move to the next field: Tab
Move to the previous field: Shift-tab
Add schedule: Ctrl-n
Modify schedule: Ctrl-m
Delete schedule: Del
Alarm option: Ctrl-o
Backup schedule: Ctrl-u
Restore schedule: Ctrl-r
Set backup option: Ctrl-e
Save schedule as file: Alt-s
Print schedule: Ctrl-p
20.5.2 Move Keys in the Search Result List
1. Move from an appointment to another in the schedule list
Move to the previous a in the same day: Up arrow key
Move to the next appointment in the same day: Down arrow key
Move to the first appointment in the same day: Fn-Left arrow key
Move to the last appointment in the same day: Fn-Right arrow key
2. Move from one appointment to another in all the appointments
Move to the previous schedule: Ctrl-Left arrow key
Move to the next schedule: Ctrl-Right arrow key
Move to the first schedule: Ctrl-Fn-Left arrow key
Move to the last schedule: Ctrl-Fn-Right arrow key
20.6 E-mail
20.6.1 Hot keys that are used in the inbox
Call “Accounts manager”: Ctrl-m
Check for new mail: Alt-m