To open "Page Information", press “Alt” to open the "menu", and press
"Enter" on "File". Move to "Page Information" by pressing “down arrow
button” a few times, and press "Enter". Or, you can press the letter "I".
11.1.5 Exit
This command terminates the "Web Browser", and returns the Braille Sense
U2 QWERTY to the "program" menu. You can exit the "Web Browser" by
pressing "Alt-F4", or by selecting "Exit" from the "Web Browser" file menu.
11.2 Read
Use the "Read" menu to read the web page by various text elements. To
open the "Read" menu, press “Alt”, and press "Enter" on "Read" or press r
from the menu.
The "Read" menu contains 3 items:
1. Read From Beginning To Cursor
2. Read From Cursor To End
3. Auto Scroll
You can move among the menus by pressing “down arrow button” or “up
arrow button”. To execute an option, press "Enter".
11.2.1 Read from Beginning to Cursor
This function reads the current page from the beginning to the cursor
To execute this function, press "Enter" on "Read From Beginning To Cursor"
in the "Read" menu. Or, you can press "Alt-g" while in a web page.
To interrupt speech before the Braille Sense U2 QWERTY has finished
reading to the cursor location, press "Ctrl". Your cursor is placed at the
location where you stopped reading.