7.4.6 Location
In the "Location" field, type location of your appointment. If you press "Enter"
after typing in the location, the record is saved, leaving the "Memo" field
empty, and the "Alarm time" field set to its default value ("Time of
appointment"). To move to the next field, press “Tab”.
7.4.7 Memo
In the "Memo" field, you can enter detailed information about an appointment.
This is a multi-line edit box, meaning you can type more than one line of text.
You can use most of the editing commands that are used in the "Word
processor". Press "Enter" to create a new line. You can leave this field blank
if you wish. Press “Tab” to move to the next field.
7.4.8 Alarm Time
The "Alarm time" function allows you to set the time when you are notified
about an appointment. The alarm is set relative to the appointment time. For
example, you may want the alarm to sound 30 minutes before your
appointment, so that you are not late. The default value for this field is set to
"Time of appointment". This means that the alarm sounds at the same time
as your appointment. You can set the time as when you set the appointment
time. The time can be set anywhere from one minute to forty-seven hours
before the appointment. To set the time with shortcut keys, use the following
1. Time setting keys
Move to 1 hour after: Down arrow key
Move to 1 hour before: Up arrow key
Move to 10 minutes after: Ctrl-Right arrow key
Move to 10 minutes before: Ctrl-Left arrow key
Move to 1 minute after: Right arrow key