20. Command Summary
20.1 Common Combination Keys
Call up the program menu: Win key
Key help mode: Ctrl-ESC
Run the individual program in the program menu Win key-”shortcut key”
(varies for each program)
Call up the Task Name list: Fn-F10
Switch to previous program: Alt-Shift-tab
Switch to next program: Alt-Tab
Call up the menu in the individual program: Alt
Exit: Alt-F4
Escape: Esc
Move to the next control in a dialog box: Tab
Move to the previous control in the dialog box: Shift-tab
Move to the previous character: Left arrow key
Move to the next character: Right arrow key
Move to the previous line/item: Up arrow key
Move to the next line/item: Down arrow key
Move to the beginning of line/item: Fn-Left arrow key
Move to the end of line/item: Fn-Right arrow key
Move to the top of a document or to the first item: Ctrl-Fn-Left arrow key
Move to the bottom of a document or to the last item: Ctrl-Fn-Right arrow
Move to the previous page or to the first item of the previous 32-item group:
Page up (Fn-Up arrow key)
Move to the next page or to the first item of the next 32-item group: Page
down (Fn-Down arrow key)
Scroll left: Up scroll button
Scroll right: Down scroll button
Move the cursor to each cell or move to an item: The corresponding cursor
routing key
Capital sign: Caps lock