This is because it is logically impossible that the appointment duration is 27
hours, and the appointment recurs every 24 hours. This rule is applied in the
same way when you set weekly, monthly, or yearly recurring appointments. If
you press “Tab” after setting the recurring interval, the "Set recurrence end
date" check box appears. By default, it's unchecked, which indicates that the
appointment recurs indefinitely. If you check this box by pressing "Space",
and press “Tab”, the focus moves to the edit combo box for entering the end
date. Enter the do Weekly
Press “Tab” to move to the "Recurring interval" edit box, after you set the
"Recurrence" to weekly. Choose the number of weeks between each
recurrence. You can type a number between 1 and 999. If you set it to 1, the
appointment recurs every week, and if you set it to 2, it recurs every other
week. The restriction on the recurring interval as in "Daily" is applied to
"Weekly". If the recurring interval is one week, the appointment duration
should be shorter than one week. Or you receive the error message, "The
appointment duration should be shorter than the recurring interval". Press
“Tab” and the focus moves to a list box where you can select the day of the
week on which the appointment recurs. You can move between the items in
the list box, by pressing “up arrow button” or “down arrow button”. To select
or unselect the current item, press "Space". You can make more than one
selection, thus the appointment recurs on more than one day during the
week. If you don't select a day, it is set to the today's week day. Press “Tab”,
and the focus moves to the "Set recurrence end date" check box. Monthly
If you press “Tab” after setting the "Recurrence to monthly", the focus moves
to the "Recurring type" combo box. You can set the recurring type as "Date"
or "Day of the week". To move between the two options, use “up arrow
button” or “down arrow button”. "Date" is used when you want to set an
appointment recurring on the same day of a month, for example, on the 17th