Select all: Ctrl-a
Sort files by: Ctrl-g
Set file info: Ctrl-l
Display only files of type: Ctrl-w
Search for file: Ctrl-f
Information: Alt-Enter
Setup Network connection: Alt-e
Cancel setting of Network connection: Alt-F4
Sharing a folder with other computer: Alt-s
Remove remote folder on network: Alt-u
Setup sharing security: Alt-p
20.3 Word Processor
20.3.1 Hot Keys for the Commands
New document: Ctrl-n
Open: Ctrl-o
Save: Ctrl-s
Save as: Alt-s
Close current document: Ctrl-F4
Print: Ctrl-p
Settings: Ctrl-e
Exit: Alt-F4
Start selection: Ctrl-b
Copy: Ctrl-c
Cut: Ctrl-x
Paste: Ctrl-v
Delete: Del
Delete blank lines: Alt-e
Add to clipboard: Ctrl-Insert
Clear clipboard: Ctrl-Del or Ctrl-d