13.2.8 Using Multiple Services
You can use the LAN, FTP, and ActiveSync Bluetooth services
simultaneously. However, if you plan to use any of these services at the
same time, you should connect the FTP service before connecting the LAN
and ActiveSync services. If you do not connect the FTP service first, you
may experience problems. If you are using the Serial
Port service, you should not connect to any other Bluetooth services.
13.3 Hot keys in Bluetooth Manager
Scanning Bluetooth device: Ctrl-r
Connecting device: Enter on the device name
Connecting service: Enter on the service name
Disconnect service in Bluetooth service list: Ctrl-d
Move to Bluetooth device list in service list: Backspace
Remove device setting in Bluetooth device list: Del
1) FTP service
Open local folder/move remote folder: Ctrl-o
Copy: Ctrl-c
Paste: Ctrl-v
Send to: Ctrl-s
Retrieve file: Ctrl-r
New folder: Ctrl-f
Delete file/folder: Del
Information: Ctrl-i