11.4.10 Find Again
The "Find Again" function searches the text again in the direction that you
have selected. To open "Find Again", press “Alt”, and navigate to the "Go
To" menu by pressing “down arrow button”. Press "Enter". Move to "Find
Again" by pressing “down arrow button”. Press "Enter". Or, you can press
"Ctrl-f", while in a web page.
"Find Again" finds the text that you have entered in "Find". There is no edit
box in "Find Again". It simply repeats the search you specified in "Find".
11.4.11 Links list
This function lists all the links on the current page. To activate it, press “Alt”
and press "Enter" on "Links list" in "Go To" menu. Or execute it directly, by
pressing "Alt-i". The "Links list dialog" appears. In the dialog, find the
following controls: "links list", "Focus link" button, "Activate link" button, and
"Cancel" button. You can move among the controls by pressing “Tab” or
"Shift-Tab". You can navigate the list of links in the "links list", by pressing
“up arrow button” or “down arrow button”.
To move to the selected page in the "links list", press "Enter" Or move to
"Activate link" button by pressing “Tab” or "Shift-tab" and press "Enter".
To go to the position of the link on the web page from the "links list", move to
"Focus link" button by pressing “Tab”, and press "Enter".
To close the dialog, move to the "Cancel" button, and press "Enter". Or press
"Alt-F4" or press "Esc".
11.5 Favorites
To open "Favorites", press “Alt”, and move to "Favorites" by pressing “down
arrow button”, and press "Enter". If there are websites that you frequently
visit, it is inconvenient to enter the long address each time you want to visit
the page. In such a case, you can add these website addresses to the